Sunday, December 26, 2010

Froze my but off fishing

Well this morning was a bit chilly as buddy and I went off to the river to catch the elusive Stealhead. I had one on withing twenty minutes or so but it got off. Mean while the rain mixed with snow and wind increased which proceeded to turn both me and the dog into ice cubes. Buddy is such a trooper though. He hardly threw a fit at all even as he was shivering so bad that he could hardly walk.
There were about forty boats of all sizes with frozen fisherman in them going up and down the river. What a zoo. I didn't see one fish caught the two hours or so I was there.
So buddy and I went home and I immediately jumped in the hotub and proceeded to thaw out. Aah life is good.
Then I worked on the inside of the Motorhome the rest of the day, getting it ready for my exciting trip.

1 comment:

  1. Who does that fool think he is, going off and deserting us. Haha
